Curriculog is Vassar’s Curriculum Management Software. It is a sibling of our Catalog Software, Acalog.

    Accessing the System

    In the top right corner click on Login. A Welcome to Curriculog pop-up window will appear.

    Login: enter your Vassar email address, i.e., mavassar.

    Password: enter your Curriculog password which is the same as your email password.

    Click on Login

    Once logged-in you can view all change proposals for your department/program(s)in the list to the left. By clicking on the View icon, you can see the proposal's progress.

    Listed below are the symbols and colors utilized in Curriculum:

    • = has not made a decision
    • = approved
    • = rejected
    • = held
    • = suspended
    • = cancelled
    • = multiple decisions
    • = task
    • = mine
    • = stuck
    • = urgent, out of date import source









    You have selected

    You can approve

    your PIN

    You have entered an incorrect PIN for your account. If you have forgotten your pin or don't have one, please contact an Administrator.

    could not be approved